The 10th annual Seafood Conference was held November 7-8 at Harpa Concert Hall in Reykjavík and attended by over 800 professionals in the seafood industry.
The aim of the conference is to create a forum where people in the industry can come together and stay current on the newest innovations and trends in the sector as well as work together to identity areas of improvement and future growth.
Skaginn 3X has been a proud sponsor of the event for several years, and this year was no exception. This year’s show had several highlights.
Freysteinn Nonni Mánason, regional sales manager for Iceland, presented one of our largest product updates: the new 16” ValuePump™.
Freysteinn Nonni presents the newly designed 16" ValuePump™
A ValuePump™ model was on display at our stand and drew considerable interest and attention from attendees.
SEASCANN was also in the spotlight at the Skaginn 3X stand this year. An EU-funded project in development by Skaginn 3X, SEASCANN will revolutionize the flow of information in fishing, from catch to consumer. The project was selected by the European Commission as a Horizon 2020 project last year, and our dedicated team has been hard at work to have the system ready for launch in August 2020.
Thanks to everyone who came by the stand to learn more about the exciting, new innovations Skaginn 3X is bringing to seafood processing technology.