June 14, 2019

Meet the Minds Making SEASCANN a Reality

Skaginn 3X has assembled an expert development team to realize its ambitious SEASCANN system, the company’s EU-funded Horizon 2020 project.

Skaginn 3X has assembled an expert development team to realize its ambitious SEASCANN system, the company’s EU-funded Horizon 2020 project. For more information on the project see our page on the SEASCANN system.

Axel Freyr Gíslason

Head of Product Development

Coming up through the ranks at the company, Axel Freyr has substantial experience in the innovative work that Skaginn 3X undertakes. He oversees the design aspects of the SEASCANN projects.

Árni Ingi Jóhannesson

Developer - Computer Visioning

A freshly minted computer scientist from the University of Iceland, Árni Ingi works with one of SEASCANN’s most distinctive components, the computer visioning system.

Bjarni Ingi Björnsson

Head of Electrical Engineering

With a background in programming and project management, Bjarni coordinates efforts on the project’s electrical engineering.

Björn Breiðfjörð Gíslason


Björn has experience and training in both developing industrial hardware and software, and works on both sides of the table for the SEASCANN project.

Bylgja Pálsdóttir

Marketing & PR Coordinator

With a considerable background in the marketing side of food processing technology, Bylgja sees to the project’s efforts in marketing, PR and communications.

Jón Orri Leósson

Developer - Database Design & Traceability

Trained as a systems analyst, Jón Orri handles the database design for SEASCANN as well as its traceability functionalities.

Kristín Björg Árnadóttir

Contracts, Finance & Compliance

Kristín Björg handles budget planning for the project and head up efforts in the area of compliance.

Orri Jónsson

Programmer/Electrical Designer

With a background in industrial programming, simulation, testing and design, Orri contributes to programming for the project as well as electrical design,

Ólöf Helga Jónsdóttir

Project Manager

With a PhD in nutrition, Ólöf brings her background in research, development and quality assurance to the team in a management position. She ensures that important milestones are met and serves as the liaison with the EU in connection with the project’s Horizon 2020 grant.

Skúli Norðfjörð


For nearly two decades Skúli has been working as a programming specialist in the industrial and fishing sectors. His skills will be focused on traceability for SEASCANN.

Stefán B. Þorsteinsson

Systems Engineer

Stefán’s background in industrial technology in the fishing sector supports his work in the project, which centers on data processing as well as integration of the mechanical, electrical and software components.

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